Review Questions

Code cells and markdown cells

Q02.01 Run the following code in two different Jupyter notebook cells. Run one cell as a code cell. Run the other cell as a Markdown cell. Why is the output different?

# Problem Solving with Python

Q02.02 Run the following code in two different Jupyter notebook cells. Run one cell as a code cell. Run the other cell as a Markdown cell. Why is the output different?

print('Problem Solving with Python')

Markdown cells

Q02.10 Recreate the following headings in one Jupyter notebook markdown cell:

# BIG heading

## Big heading

### SMALL heading

#### small heading

Q02.11 Recreate the following table in one Jupyter notebook markdown cell:

Python Package



Jupyter notebooks






serial communication

Q02.12 Recreate the following code block in one Jupyter notebook markdown cell:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Q02.12 Recreate the following bullet points in one Jupyter notebook markdown cell:

  • markdown cell : markdown

  • code cell: Python code

  • raw NBConvert: LaTeX

Q02.13 Recreate the following list in one Jupyter notebook markdown cell:

  1. Open Jupyter notebook

  2. Write code

  3. Restart Kernel & run all

  4. Download notebook

Q02.14 Recreate two horizontal rules in a Jupyter notebook markdown cell. In between the horizontal rules write the text In between the lines like below:

In between the lines

Q02.15 Inside a Jupyter notebook markdown cell, make the word Red the color red, make the word Green, the color green, make the word Blue the color blue.

Q02.16 Create a warning box on the inside of a Jupyter notebook markdown cell that says:

Warning! Python counting starts at 0 and ends at n-1

LaTeX Math

Q02.20 Write the Pythagorean Theorem in a Jupyter notebook markdown cell using LaTeX math.

\[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \]

Q02.21 Write the formula for the area of a circle in a Jupyter notebook markdown cell using LaTeX math.

\[ A = \pi r^2 \]

Q02.22 Write the formula below in a Jupyter notebook Markdown cell using LaTeX math.

\[ \int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{y^3} dy \]

Code cells

Q02.31 Run the following code in a Jupyter notebook code cell:

import this

Q02.32 Run the following code in a Jupyter notebook code cell:

import sys

Q02.33 Run the following code in a Jupyter notebook code cell:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline


Q02.34 Run the following code in a Jupyter notebook code cell. Move the slider back and forth and observe the results.

from ipywidgets import interact
import ipywidgets as widgets

def func(x):
    return x
interact(func, x=10);

Cell Magic

Q02.50 Create a file called in the same directory as your Jupyter notebook. Inside the file write the code below:


print("hello from the file")

Use the Jupyter notebook magic command %load to load the code from into your Jupyter notebook.

Q02.51 Create a file called in the same directory as your Jupyter notebook. Inside the file write the code below:


print("hello from the file")

Use the Jupyter notebook magic command %run to run the code from into your Jupyter notebook.

Q02.52 Run the code below in a Jupyter notebook code cell:

import os



Why is the output of these two commands similar?

Getting Help

Q02.60 Use Python’s dir() function in a Jupyter notebook code cell to find all the functions available in Python’s math module. Remember to import math at the start of the code cell.

Q02.61 In a Jupyter notebook code cell, import math and run math.sqrt?. Copy the contents of the help you receive in a Jupyter notebook markdown cell.

Q02.62 In a Jupyter notebook code cell, import statistics and run statistics.mode?. Copy the examples from the help you receive in a Jupyter notebook code cell. Run the code cell.