Quiz 2: Error term in the Taylor Series _______________________________________ .. toctree:: :hidden: order3 order4 order5 hint The fourth order centered difference formula you just say for the first derivative was: .. math:: \frac{-T(t_{i+2})+8T(t_{i+1})-8T(t_{i-1})+T(t_{i-2})}{12\Delta t} = T^\prime(t_i) + {\cal O}((\Delta t)^4) Without explicitly writing out the Taylor series for all of the terms in this formula, can you determine what derivative of T(t) will appear in the error term, multiplying :math:`\Delta t`? Possible answers: #. :ref:`answer-quiz2-3` #. :ref:`answer-quiz2-4` #. :ref:`answer-quiz2-5` - :ref:`hint-quiz2`